Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tagged By Hnew :p

Name: -
My friends call me: FiFi - Feebs - Fifs
My Nickname(s): Fffhhhh :p + all the above. Forgot the rest!
Major: Pissing off my mom :\
Job Title: Student

Boys name: Omar - Khalid - Talal - Abdullah.
Girls name: Farah - Lameese - Bana.
Fruit: Strawberries - Mangoes - Green Apples.
Veggie: Cucumber.
Fast food place: Zee Diner
Favorite cartoon character: SpongeBob - Goofy
Ice Cream: Oreo

Bungee jumped: No
Used someone: Yes
Had bloody nose: Once
Played truth or dare: All the time
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: hmm I think so
Been in a physical fight: haha alot of times
Knocked on wood: Yep
Broken a bone: Nope el7amdilah

Laughed and why? All yesterday, because I was with Layan.
Cried and why? hmm I don't really remember. It's been a while.
Hugged someone and whom? Yesterday. Layan.
Recieved a call and from whom? A while ago. My aunt.
Used a pen and what did write? :$ A month ago ? I don't remember.
Lied and whats the truth? Today morning. My stomach wasn't hurting me, I just didn't feel like going :\
Recieved a message and from whom? 2 hours ago. My mother.
Took a shower: Today morning.
Put make-up on: Lama's Engagement?
Ride a bike: uuff a loooong time ago.
Broken the law: Last week.

Your family: Always there.
Your home: Privacy.
Your friends: My everything.
Yourself: Weirdo :)
Your birthday: Happiest day.
Your bedroom: My hiding place.
Your mobile: My love.
Your PC/laptop: I can't live without it.
Blogging: Boredom.
Money: Solves alot, but not everything.

Eating: Nothing.
Thinking: "I want to go back to Riyadh :("
Smelling: Nothing :\.
Watching: Nothing.
Listening to: Shakhs Thani - Abdulmajeed Abdullah.
Feeling: Worried.
Wearing: Jeans and T-shirt.
Waiting for: My mom to wake up.
Hating: This situation.
Missing: My friends.
Loving: -
Worried about: The situation.
Planning: On meeting up with old friends today.
Annoyed with: Where I'm at.

Make you happy: Layan - Rassem.
That you're obsessed with: Sushi - Snickers.
Make you sad: Not being able to do anything about this - Thinking about all the people who are leaving to college this year :"(
You hate: Animals - Pervs :S
You're doing: Txting.
You like to eat: Chocolate - Sushii
Smell Bad: Rexona - The inside of Century Cinemas "It smells like PEE"
About you: I <3 My friends more than anything - I'm really moody.
That you did today: Taken a cab - Watched TV
That you're good at: Basket Ball - Soccer.
That hurt: Seeing the ones you love in pain - Missing them.

Tell us something your "3ax el nas" about: I love Riyadh - I hate Mohammad 3abdo :)
Can you play any instruments? Not yet.
List four things that you are less than 3 meters away from: My phone - A bond - A cup - Head phones.
Have you ever been told you look like someone, if yes, who? Channing Tatum -__-
Are you enjoying this tag? It's starting to get boring.
What bad habits do you have? I'm moody :\
If you could have one day being the opposite gender, what would you do ? I'd use that thing illi bil men's bathrooms hahaha.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: The death of HK.
What's your current Habba Song? Amout b 7obbak - Abdulmajeed.
Any last words? This is by far the worst summer ever. :)


Bliss said...

what's with you and 3bdulmajeed!! lol
ma 7asseto your type of music AT ALL!

i hate m7ammad 3bdo toooooooooo :/

there is this new thing for girls where you can pee standing up. it's made out of plastic.

lesh the worst summer?

FiFi said...

I love Abdulmajeed <3
His songs are more than amazing.
There are a lot of things you don't know about me ;p.

Seriously? For girls? Ma ba7is byinfa3 :/

Worst summer cause it's so boring, plus a lot of mashakil -___-
It's the first time I actually wish to go back to Riyadh.

Gee™ said...

oh I LOVE U ,, guess why !!

coz u love abdulmajeed ;p

rencontrer Pauline said...

never liked mohammed 3bdo :/ bs lesh ur summer is worst? bl 3ks do something new :D

Rawr said...

i is sorry you is not having a good summer!
Broken the law: Last week.
eh? elaborate if you may? :P

And I dont like mohamad abdo either... overrated.

FiFi said...

hehe thanks!

I don't know, it just wasn't fun, I'm back now so il7amdillah =)

It's okay, Ramadan is here, hopefully that would be fun =)
Hmm some things are better left unsaid ;p
LOL Just kidding, it was something stupid ya3ni :p.