Saturday, October 18, 2008

Her Anguished Soul

She curled up in her bed, trying to escape her misery. But she couldn’t sleep because her dreams were worse than reality. He haunted her every thought. He tore her world apart. However, she couldn’t get away from him, for he had complete control over her life, over her heart. He was her dreaded master, her one and only love. The man who had forsaken her, and left her to pick up the pieces he had gotten rid of. So now, this is how her life has become, torture she couldn’t escape from. She needed an exit. But who would she turn to if he was her only savior, if he was her one?


Anonymous said...

Loved the writing, so hear felt.. tried to comment, it wouldnt let me!
.. there we go, it worked.
Bas mn jid, very nice fifs, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

WoOoW awesome
i love what u've wrote Mash,Allah